Thanks for stopping by to get to know me better. I love being creative, don’t you?
Ever since I was a kid I would invent games and stories. One time, I decided I wanted to be an archeologist in search of dinosaur footprints and got in trouble for pouring plaster in my backyard. It was worth it! As I got older, I realized writing was the best way for me to express myself even if I was the only one reading it. Reading and writing can take so many forms: serious, playful, silly, and can help you hold up a mirror and be a window to the world.
In my adult life, I have filled many roles just like my writing. My most important job, however, was as an elementary school teacher. Our classes did some serious wondering, and one time, we made a life-sized paper mache cow named Bessie for a parent night. She was covered in facts about the world.
As an author, I try to write about all the things I love to read and what my students loved too. But most importantly, it’s my wish to make you think and inspire you to put some good into the world in whatever way brings you joy and excitement. I hope my writing and what you find on this website can bring sparks to your life.
I’m glad you’re here!
E. E. Dowd